We Don't Waste Your Time
We have over 120 IT specialist working full time at ITKingsman. We Know what makes high performing: coders, analysts, technical project managers, architects, CIOs and CTOs because they already work full time for us. With this knowledge we can properly evaluate candidates and save you time and money. Why take a chance when you can easily hire from either our proven bench or our professionally vetted IT candidates.
We find IT talent that others can’t.
Work with a recruiter that specializes in IT development and you will:
Save time
Get better qualified candidates
Have an expert supported by a team
With thirteen years of experience in the Education IT, Mobile App Development, Web Development, Ecommerce, and Business Intelligence, ITKingsman's team understands these specialized technologies and how important a well qualified candidate is to your project and corporate mission success. We can quickly identify, interview, screen and recommend only the most qualified candidates for your consideration.
A mentor once told us, "To succeed in business you have to have the right people in the right seats on the bus." We know this is true, so we focus all of our energy, our systems, and our time towards our mission to: "Find these folks for you, so you too will be successful."